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Competition sponsored by BOUNCE Spalding

Design a float competition

A unique opportunity for anyone under the age of 18 - win a superb prize and recognition for your creativity

The Spalding Flower Parade has always had a wide selection of floats decorated with flowers, both real and imitation - it's a vital part of our local heritage


This year, to welcome back the parade after ten years, we are running a competition to design a float



Who can enter

Anyone under the age of 18 years


When can you enter

You can start designing your float right now

All entries must be received by us on or before 1st November 2022


What format should you use

Your design must be hand drawn and coloured on any sized paper but a minimum of A4

You can use pencils, pen, paint, whatever medium you like

Your design MUST be in colour - the more colour the better


Is there a theme?

The parade has a theme, Spalding through the eras - from 1940 to today

So think about 1940's - 1950's - 1960's etc


What do we want to see?

Your float can be on a small trailer or large flat bed trailer

It will be a construction covered in flowers

Use your imagination - go wild and wow us

Colour, colour and more colour

Buildings, people, animals, local icons etc


How to submit your entry

Once complete, please post your entry to

Spalding Flower Parade, 7 Starlode Drove, West Pinchbeck, PE11 3TD

On the back of your entry, add your full name, address, telephone number and your age

Entry must be received on or before 1st November 022


Judging and prizes

Every single entry will be examined closely and judged by a panel of judges who will pick just one winner

Your deign will be built into a real life float and feature in the parade

You will also receive a £200 book and stationery voucher to spend

Kindy donated by BOUNCE Spalding




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